Picture of me

Pär Amsens Code

A blog about software, hardware and middleware.

Plays' new deployment channel

Google Play recently introduced the Internal Test channel, expanding the available deployment channels to Internal Test -> Alpha -> Beta -> Production. In contrast to the other channels where deploying is delayed by ~30 minutes, Internal Test will instantly deploy your builds to Play making deployment to device instant! Awesome!

Android Continuous Delivery

Cewlrency: Icon drafting

Designing a material icon

Ux Design

Cewlrency: UX Overhaul

I'm rewamping my sample app Cewlrency, first step; UX

Ux Design

Crashlytics NDK with Cmake

Getting Crashlytics NDK working with the new Cmake buildchain requires forensic Google skillz. Here's how to just get it working instead.


Get Crashlytics NDK working

Getting Crashlytics NDK working with the outdated guide is hard. Stay sane and read.


Exclude tablets while including large displays

We excluded tablets according to the instructions in the Android doc. Apparently we also excluded all devices produced after Q2 2016 that have high res displays. Luckily Google gave us a hand and a solution.


Gradle module-to-module dependencies

It can be a hassle to add a dependency that isn't published to a public repo like jcenter, the best approach is to add it as a Gradle separate module. Here's how.

Android Studio & Gradle

Torch, cmake and Android Studio

Setting up Torch in Android Studio with the Gradle-cmake-ndk buildchain is the next step. I've created a working template project that will show how it's done.

Building torch-android

Vagrant build box for torch-android

Automated Vagrant build box for the torch-android binaries using the latest Android SDK and NDK. One command and you'll have the binaries, headers, lua-libs built for ARMv7 and ARM64v8.

Building torch-android

Building torch-android and staying sane

The machine learning lib Torch is available for Android as torch-android, but requires the occasional dev to have extensive knowledge in C, C++, cmake, ANT, NDK etc. This article series will cover how to build, develop, stay sane and get torch-android rocking.

Building torch-android

A Github Pages blog in one hour

I've been working on my over-ambitious blog for a year. Node.js backend serving a prerendered React.js blog, MongoDB, Nginx and all the stuff. Last night I decided to scrape it all and start fresh. One hour later I got this blog published, React.js and Webpack on Github Pages. Here's how I made it.

Friday Evening Hacking